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The Image Processing Library 98 (IPL98) is a platform independent image manipulating C/C++ library. The purpose of the library is to be useful, for combining tailor-made image processing and interpretation with standard methods for acquisitions, processing, display and storage of image information. Emphasis is put on interactivity in projects made by students, as well as for advanced research and development.

All IO related methods which are platform specific are not included in the classes, this is mostly concerning the screen correspondence. Disk related methods are not platform specific and are part of IPL98.

This page is the web-page for the IPL98 project hosted by SourceForge.net. The complete web page for IPL98 is available at www.mip.sdu.dk/ipl98..

At SourceForge you are able to download the latest release of IPL98. It should work without any changes if extracted to the root of your D: drive and setting up a general include path set to D:/ipl98/source. If you extract the file structure at destination X (for instance X=C:) it should still work if you set the general include path for your compiler to X/ipl98/source. 

To check out the newest source codes directly from the CVS server, the following line will do the job:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/ipl98 checkout ipl98

Information about installation and usage of IPL98 can be found at the official homepage. 

Here is a short explanation of the directory structure:

ipl98/ Root directory containing all the code
ipl98/source Contains all the source code in IPL98.
ipl98/projects Projects building the LIB-files for IPL98. The output is placed in ipl98/lib. It contains projects for Borland C++ Builder 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0 and GCC 3.2 or newer versions.
ipl98/projects/visualc Two different library projects building lib-files for the Visual C++ 6.0 (or newer) compiler:
  • ipl98library Builds the IPL98 library including the function AddIPL98ErrorHistory() which writes all messages from the library to std. out.
  • ipl98library_gui Buils the IPL98 library without the function AddIPL98ErrorHistory(). The user must define this function in his part of the code.

The reason for having two different versions is, that the user may not want the output to be written to std. out. The latter library-project makes it possible for the user to implement his own version of
void AddIPL98ErrorHistory(const char* str)

ipl98/projects/borlandbuilder Two different library projects building lib-files for the Borland C++ Builder 6.0 (or newer) compiler.
Maintained by Michael Landsiedl
ipl98/projects/gcc A makefile for the GCC compiler. Read the file readme.txt before using this makefile. Maintained by Anders Lau Olsen
ipl98/lib Library files are placed here, see ipl98/projects. When you download the release, no library files are supplied, the user must build the library files first. Debug versions of library files are appended the letter "d" just before the extension.
ipl98/examples Example code, mostly project frameworks.
ipl98/examples/images A few image examples used by the different project frameworks.
ipl98/examples/visualc Two projects for Visual C++ 6.0 (or newer) are available here:
  •  show7_educational A complete framework with a GUI frontend. To compile this workspace, remember to set the project show7 to the active project. Otherwise it will only compile the library project.
  • ConsoleIPL A simple console based project.

Both projects are associated with the corresponding library project, so if the library files are not available, they will automatically be compiled the first time you compile one of these projects.

ipl98/examples/borlandbuilder At the moment (IPL98 v. 2.15), only one project is available: ConsoleIPL. A simple console based project using the IPL98 library file. The user must compile the library file first from one of the projects in ipl98/projects/borlandbuilder.
ipl98/examples/gcc At the moment (IPL98 v. 2.15), only one project is available: ConsoleIPL. A simple console based project using the IPL98 library file. The user must compile the library file first from the project in ipl98/projects/gcc. Read the readme.txt file in that directory!


Sponsored by: Updated 03. marts 2004 10:44 by René Dencker Eriksen(edr@mip.sdu.dk)